Category Archives: NotebookLM

Fatal Silence – The Hamas-Israel Conflict, looking more deeper (A podcast)

Last change: Oct 12, 2024

Author: Gerd Doeben-Henisch



This text is part of the DIVERS section of the blog.


The following podcast is an outcome of the following process:

  1. Oct 9, 2024 the author has written a lengthy post in his Philosophy Blog with the German Title: “FATALES SCHWEIGEN – Wer bricht den Bann?” In this text he reflects about the burning conflict between Hamas and Israel and he tries to clarify his position to this conflict.
  2. He didn’t prepare an English translation yet.
  3. But today Oct 12, 2024, he detected the new tool ‘NotebookLM’ from google, which allows the upload of texts which then will be summarized and transformed into a podcast with two speakers: the voices of one man and one woman.
  4. After uploading the German version of the text the app gave a summary in German, which reads in English like this:

The text addresses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The author argues that the conflict is not merely about a single event but rather a complex web of various factors fueling it. These factors range from the history of Zionism and the displacement of Palestinians, the role of fundamentalist Islam and Judaism, to contemporary geopolitical developments and the effects of the multipolar world order. The author criticizes German politics for its helplessness and calls for an honest analysis of the root causes of the conflict to achieve a sustainable resolution.

And then the NotebookLM-App produced the following Podcast, which has impressed the author a lot! This is a complete new level of quality! I myself wouldn’t have been able to present it in this way!!!

Best regards,
