The analysis of the main application scenario revealed that classical
logical inference concepts are insufficient for the assistance of human ac-
tors during shared planning. It turned out that the simulator has to be
understood as a real learning artificial actor which has to gain the required
knowledge during the process.
The collection of papers in the Case Studies Section deals with the
possible applications of the general concept of a GCA Generative Cul- tural Anthropology to all kinds of cultural processes. The GCA paradigm
has been derived from the formalized DAAI Distributed Actor-Actor In- teraction theory, which in turn is a development based on the common HMI Human Machine Interaction paradigm reformulated within the Sys- tems Engineering paradigm. The GCA is a very general and strong theory
paradigm, but, saying this, it is for most people difficult to understand,
because it is highly interdisciplinary, and it needs some formal technical
skills, which are not too common. During the work in the last three
months it became clear, that the original HMI and DAAI approach can
also be understood as the case of something which one could call ACA Applied Cultural Anthropology as part of an GCA. The concept of ACA
is more or less directly understandable for most people.