ISSN 2567-6458, 15.March 2021 – July 23, 2024

Author: Gerd Doeben-Henisch


This post is part of the uffmm science blog.


The topic Philosophy of Science [PoS] in the context of modern science has  a history of   more then 100 years and — in the view of the author — this topic has not yet settled in one grand view of science which is globally accepted.[1]-[7] [*]


(The author has a Philosophy Blog in German with more than 500 Posts).

A Global Public Theory Machine (with Collective Intelligence)

(Last change: July 23, 2024)

Encounter with Popper
  1. POPPER and EMPIRICAL THEORY. A conceptual Experiment (Last change: March 16, 2022)
  2. POPPER – Objective Knowledge (1971). Summary, Comments, how to develop further (Last change: March 12, 2022)
  3. OKSIMO MEETS POPPER. The Generalized Oksimo Theory Paradigm (Last change: April 5, 2021)
  4. OKSIMO MEETS POPPER. The Oksimo Theory Paradigm (Last change: April 2, 2021)
  5. OKSIMO MEETS POPPER. Popper’s Position (Last Change: March 31, 2021⁾
  6. THE OKSIMO CASE as SUBJECT FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Part 5. Oksimo as Theory? (Last change: March 24, 2021)
  7. THE OKSIMO CASE as SUBJECT FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Part 4. Describing Change (Last change: March 24, 2021)
  8. THE OKSIMO CASE as SUBJECT FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Part 3. Generate a Vision (last change: March 24, 2021)
  9. THE OKSIMO CASE as SUBJECT FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Part 2. makedecidable() (last change: March 23, 2021)
  10. THE OKSIMO CASE as SUBJECT FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (last change: March 23, 2021)
    John Dewey’s Logic
    1. LOGIC. The Theory Of Inquiry (1938) by John Dewey – An oksimo Review – Part 1 (Last change: Aug 18, 2021)
    2. LOGIC. The Theory Of Inquiry (1938) by John Dewey – An oksimo Review – Part 2 (Last change: Aug 18, 2021)
    3. LOGIC. The Theory Of Inquiry (1938) by John Dewey – An oksimo Review – Part 3 (Last change: Aug 20, 2021)
    4. To be continued …
Encounter with Nicholas Bourbaki
  1. OKSIMO and BOURBAKI. A Metamathematical Perspective on Oksimo. Part 1 (Last Change: 24.Sept 2021)
  2. To be continued
Nice to have: Poincaré [12]

Encounter with Günter Wagner

EMPIRICAL MEASUREMENT: Molecules and Atoms. Late Encounter with Günter Wagner: The ‘man-in-the-middle’ (Last Change: 28.December 2022)


[*] From the many books the one which I like most as a good first introduction is that entitled The Structure of Scienctific Theories edited by Frederick Suppe (1977). [5]  In the German philosophical discourse there exists the distinction between ‘Philosophy of Science’ (‘Wissenschaftsphilosophie’) and ‘Theory of Science’ (‘Wissenschaftstheorie’). [7] In this text this distinction will not be used.

[1] Wikipedia EN, Philosophy of Science:

[2] Enyclopaedia Britannica, Philosophy of Science: /* Very broad overview */

[3] Journal Philosophy of Science (Since 1934), published by the University of Chicago Press:

[4] Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science in Latin America: /* There exists no general topic of Philosophy of Science! */

[5] Frederick Suppe (Ed.), The Structure of Scientific Theories,  University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1977, 2nd edition 1979

[6] Jürgen Mittelstraß (Ed.), Enzylopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Bd.1-4, Publisher J.Metzler, Stuttgart – Weimar (Germany), 1995 – 1996

[7] Hans Jörg Sandkühler (Ed.), Enzylopädie Philosophie, Bd. 1-3, Publisher Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg (Germany), 2010. Stichworte ‘Wissenschaftsphilosophie‘ und ‘Wissenschaftstheorie‘ in Bd.3

[8] Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, First published 1935 in German as Logik der Forschung, then 1959 in English by  Basic Books, New York (more editions have been published  later; I am using the eBook version of Routledge (2002))

[9] Jules Henri Poincaré (1854 – 1912),,  La science et l’hypothèse, Paris 1902, English: Science and Hypothesis, New York 1905, publisher The Walter Scott Publishing CO., LTD (See wikisource: )

[10] N.Bourbaki (1970), Theory of Sets, Series: ELEMENTS OF MATHEMATICS, Springer, Berlin — Heidelberg — New York (Engl. Translation from the French edition 1970)

[11] Bourbaki group in Wikipedia [EN]:

[12] Jules Henri Poincaré (1854 – 1912),,  La science et l’hypothèse, Paris 1902, English: Science and Hypothesis, New York 1905, publisher The Walter Scott Publishing CO., LTD (See wikisource: )

Integrating Engineering and the Human Factor ( eJournal ISSN 2567-6458