Last Change: Oct 21, 2023

Remark: below you will find the last text where I am using the wording Collective Man-Machine Intelligence. During the last months it became clear that the word Intelligence has meanwhile a meaning nearby zero. Everybody is using this term, but the intended meaning is most often either completely blurred or different to other usages.

And, if you put this term into the trash, you will detect: nothing is missing, in the contrary, things become again more interesting and exciting.

Collective human-machine intelligence and text generation. A transdisciplinary analysis.

(Sept 25, 2023 – Oct 3, 2023)

This text is the outcome of a conference held at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) with the title: Discourses of disruptive digital technologies using the example of AI text generators ( ). A German version of this article will appear in a book from de Gruyter as open access in the beginning of 2024.


Based on the conference theme “AI – Text and Validity. How do AI text generators change scientific discourse?” as well as the special topic “Collective human-machine intelligence using the example of text generation”, the possible interaction relationship between text generators and a scientific discourse will be played out in a transdisciplinary analysis. For this purpose, the concept of scientific discourse will be specified on a case-by-case basis using the text types empirical theory as well as sustained empirical theory in such a way that the role of human and machine actors in these discourses can be sufficiently specified. The result shows a very clear limitation of current text generators compared to the requirements of scientific discourse. This leads to further fundamental analyses on the example of the dimension of time with the phenomenon of the qualitatively new as well as on the example of the foundations of decision-making to the problem of the inherent bias of the modern scientific disciplines. A solution to the inherent bias as well as the factual disconnectedness of the many individual disciplines is located in the form of a new service of transdisciplinary integration by re-activating the philosophy of science as a genuine part of philosophy. This leaves the question open whether a supervision of the individual sciences by philosophy could be a viable path? Finally, the borderline case of a world in which humans no longer have a human counterpart is pointed out.

Integrating Engineering and the Human Factor ( eJournal ISSN 2567-6458