(This is a dual text written in German and English with translation into the respective other language.)
(The translation will mostly be realized with the chatGPT4 account of author, associated with many other tools, especially with our new software, which is a truly philosophical software. Machine intelligence can be part of it.)
Begin: April1, 2024
Last change: July 17, 2024
Author: Gerd Doeben-Henisch
Email: info@uffmm.org
The entire blog so far — and many accompanying blogs — stands as a foundation for the following text. It is about a comprehensive view of life that is possible today, sharing the same fate as many other perspectives on life before: a bright flash of light illuminates the darkness of understanding to reveal the contours of the possible overall meaning. However, each era has its own prerequisites, its then-prevailing limitations, which painfully make it clear to the recognition that it is bound to the apparent materiality of everything concrete. Yet, the power of overcoming every now acts in every moment. The miracle of life has begun to shine, to have an effect, to press, to manifest, and all the names of God in the history of humanity so far have their origin in this unfolding miracle. The following text will discuss this.
Modern Philosophy
A true Story with Real Humans on a Real Planet
(Have also a look to the interesting texts in the part ‘Side Effects’ !)
Words in Advance
META-REFLECTION: Being part of the process
As I have already started writing texts, the first outlines of what it is about become clear. These early texts reveal how each aspect cannot be viewed in isolation but only shows its characteristics in context; how different thematic contexts display their own character yet also overlap with other themes; how time, with its perceivable changes, lets properties, entire objects, and patterns disappear while others emerge anew; and then, how changing one’s perspective, the shift in individual viewpoints, can cast the same scenario in an entirely different light: the ‘villain’ suddenly appears as the ‘hero’, the ‘disaster’ becomes an ‘opportunity’, …
In everyday life, we often lack the time, and sometimes the strength, to explore this diversity of perspectives thoroughly, to think them through, and to draw our conclusions from them. Our own limitations make things unnecessarily small, possibly distort them, and obscure our view of the ‘miracle of life’, which, although we are part of it, seems somehow difficult to grasp.
Since no one can be forced to open their eyes, take the time, and delve into the ‘background of phenomena’, overcoming the seemingly impenetrable ‘surfaces of things’, it has taken many millennia for us humans to begin understanding that ‘life’, which has brought us forth and still ‘keeps us alive’, is infinitely more than the stone we just stumbled upon, or the hand that hurts, or… the image of us in the mirror barely says anything about who we really are…
Thus, the following texts should be understood as different observations of complex patterns that partially overlap, that may appear ‘in a different light’ depending on the viewpoint, and that can change their forms significantly under the pressure of time. Discovering those structures, those dynamics, the manifestations of forms, the surfaces, that truly control reality, is the author’s intention. It might only be possible within the motion itself; before then, one does not know…
META-REFLECTION: Take breakpoints seriously
‘Writing in the process’ has the advantage of not being confined to a finished framework, but it also presents the challenge of encountering situations during the writing where more questions are open than resolved. What does one do in such a situation? The author of this text has chosen to discuss these situations ‘on a case-by-case basis’ by arranging them under the heading ‘Side effects’ behind the main text (see below). This opens up the possibility to ‘fix’ individual aspects linguistically to some extent, in order to then integrate them into the larger framework as the process continues. It is already evident that this unfolds its own dynamics.
Talking about the world
(Last change: June 7, 2024)
A ‘text’ shall be written that speaks about the world, including all living beings, with ‘humans’ as the authors in the first instance. So far, we know of no cases where animals or plants write texts themselves: their view of life. We only know of humans who write from ‘their human perspective’ about life, animals, and plants. Much can be criticized about this approach. Upon further reflection, one might even realize that ‘humans writing about other humans and themselves’ is not so trivial either. Even humans writing ‘about themselves’ is prone to errors, can go completely ‘awry,’ can be entirely ‘wrong,’ which raises the question of what is ‘true’ or ‘false.’ Therefore, we should spend some thoughts on how we humans can talk about the world and ourselves in a way that gives us a chance not just to ‘fantasize,’ but to grasp something that is ‘real,’ something that describes what truly characterizes us as humans, as living beings, as inhabitants of this planet… but then the question pops up again, what is ‘real’? Are we caught in a cycle of questions with answers, where the answers themselves are again questions upon closer inspection?
Keywords: Life on planet Earth – Language – Meaning – Change and Memory – Concrete Bodies – Galaxies of Cells – Origin as a Question – Looking Behind Phenomena – Dimension of Time – Fragments of Everyday Life, without Context – Need for Meaning – Liberation from the Moment through Words – Thinking Creates Relationships – Stories as a Force of Nature – Thought and Verified – A System of Order – Challenge: Methodically Organized Guessing – Starting Point for Science
For the full text click HERE: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/06/05/talking-about-the-world/
Collective Human Intelligence (CHI)
(Start: June 22, 2024, Last Modification: June 22, 2024)
The main theme of this section should be ‘collective human intelligence (CHI)’. However, it does not occur in isolation, detached from everything else. Rather, life on Planet Earth creates a complex network of processes which — upon closer examination — reveal structures that are consistent across all forms of life in their basic parameters, yet differ in parts. It must also be considered that these basic structures, in their process form, always intertwine with other processes, interacting and influencing each other. Therefore, a description of these basic structures will initially be rather sketchy here, as the enormous variety of details can otherwise lead one quickly into the ‘thicket of particulars’.
Keywords: Basic Life-Pattern – Genetic Determinism – Learning – Experiences – Individual – Collective – Coordination of Behavior – Linguistic Meaning – Complex Language Forms – Preliminary Interim Result
For the full text click HERE:
A ‘Logic of Life’?
(Last Modification: Jun2 27, 2024)
The excerpt discusses the concept of ‘collective human intelligence (CHI)’ and reflects on the foundational schema of all life : reproduction of Generation 1, birth of Generation 2, growth of Generation 2, followed by the onset of Generation 2’s behaviors accompanied by learning processes, and then reproduction of Generation 2, etc. It highlights how genetic predispositions and ‘free adapting’, commonly referred to as ‘learning’, alternate in phases. While genetic guidelines enable structures with typical functionalities that open up ‘possible action spaces’, filling these spaces is not genetically determined. This makes sense because the real ‘biological carrier system’ is not isolated but exists in an ‘open environment’ whose specific configuration and dynamics constantly change. From a ‘sustainable survival’ perspective, it is crucial that the biological carrier system has the ability to not only grasp the nuances of the environment at specific moments but also to represent, combine, and test them in the context of space and time. These simple words point to a highly complex process that has become known as ‘learning’, but the simplicity of this term may overlook the fact that we are dealing with an ‘evolutionary miracle of the highest order’. The common concept of ‘evolution’ is too limited in this perspective; it only describes a fragment.
–!! This text is not completed !!–
For the full text click HERE:
Verifiable Statements
(Last modification: June 9, 2024)
Speaking in everyday life entails that through our manner of speaking, we organize the perceptions of our environment, solely through our speech. This organization occurs through thinking, which manifests in speaking. As previously described, while the ability to speak is innate to us humans, the way we use our speech is not. In speaking, we automatically create an order, but whether this order actually corresponds to the realities of our everyday world requires additional verification. This verification, however, does not happen automatically; we must explicitly desire it and carry it out concretely.
Keywords: Language without Numerals – Basic Components: Perception, Memory, Decision-Making, Meaning Relationship – Language with Numerals – Language with Abstractions
For the full text click HERE: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/06/09/verifiable-statements/
(Start: June 14, 2024, Last Modification: June 14, 2024)
In both the section “Talking about the World” and the section “Verifiable Statements,” the theme of ‘change’ continuously emerges: our everyday world is characterized by everything we know being capable of ‘changing,’ including ourselves, constantly, often unconsciously; it just happens. In the context of people trying to collectively create an understanding of the world, perhaps also attempting to ‘plan’ what should be done together to achieve the best possible living situation for as many as possible in the future, the phenomenon of ‘change’ presents an ambivalent challenge: if there were no change, there would be no future, only ‘present’; but with change occurring, it becomes difficult to ‘look into the future’. How can we know into what future state all these changes will lead us? Do we even have a chance?
For the full text, click HERE: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/06/14/changes/
Situation Description
Making Predictions
Empirical Theory (ET)
Sustainable ET (NET)
Political NET (PNET)
Truth as a Distributed Event
Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Factor in CHI
Finite Infinity
Climate Crisis as an Opportunity
Understanding Finiteness
World Soul 2.0
Here you will find texts that are not directly part of the book, but are suitable for enriching aspects of the book in this context.
Self-destruction is an option. Note
(Last change: July 14, 2024)
We are still here on this planet. However, the fact that our ‘human system’ largely programs itself without our ‘voluntary participation’ can become our downfall within the framework of a democracy and in the age of the internet; not necessarily, but highly likely…
For the full article, follow this link: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/07/14/self-destruction-is-an-option-note/
Collective Knowledge: Generative AI in chatbot format as a helper
(Last change: July 10, 2024)
As the texts of the book will gradually show, the term ‘collective knowledge’ represents a crucial keyword for a characteristic that deeply defines humans—the life form of ‘homo sapiens.’ For an individual, ‘collective knowledge’ is directly hardly perceivable, but without this collective knowledge, no single human would have any knowledge at all. Yes, this not only sounds like a paradox, it is a paradox. While a ‘contradiction’ between two different statements represents a factual incompatibility, a ‘paradox’ also conveys the impression of a ‘contradiction,’ but in fact, in terms of the matter, it is not an ‘incompatibility.’ The ‘knowledge of us individuals’ is real knowledge, but due to the finiteness of our bodies, our perception system, our memory, we can factually only gather a very small amount of knowledge ‘in us.’ However, the more people there are, the more ‘knowledge’ each person ‘produces’ daily—just analogously, or then also digitally—the greater grows the amount of knowledge that we humans ‘deposit’ in our world. Newspapers, books, libraries, databases can collect and sort this knowledge to a limited extent. But an individual can only find and ‘process’ small fractions of this ‘collected knowledge.’ The gap between the ‘available collected knowledge’ and the ‘individually processable knowledge’ is constantly growing. In such a situation, the availability of generative artificial intelligence in the format of chatbots (GAI-ChaBo) is almost an ‘evolutionary event’! This new technology does not solve all questions, but it can help the individual to ‘principally’ get a novel direct access to what we should call ‘collective knowledge of humanity.’
Keywords: Before the digitalization of the world… – With digitalization – The next level?
For the full article, follow this link: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/07/10/collective-knowledge-generative-ai-in-chatbot-format-as-a-helper/
Automation of the Human – A Typology Using the Examples of ‘Writing Texts’, ‘Calculating’, and ‘Planning’
(Last change: July 6, 2024)
In the overall picture of human activities, there are three ‘types’ of action patterns that are close to everyday life and important for joint communication and coordination: (i) writing texts, (ii) describing (calculating) quantitative relationships, and (iii) planning possible states in an assumed future. All three types have been present since the beginning of humans’ ‘cultural life’, as far as documented. The following attempts a rough typology along with known forms of implementation.
Keywords: MANUAL — MANUAL SUPPORT — LANGUAGE-BASED SUPPORT — ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ENVIRONMENTS — An interesting question then remains, in what sense does the advancing support by generative AIs actually assist communication and coordination among people, and specifically, whether and to what extent the central challenge of ‘future planning’ can be additionally supported by it.
For the full article, follow this link: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/07/06/automation-of-human-tasks-typology-with-examples-of-writing-text-calculating-and-planning/
Humans and machines that can generate sound
(Start: June 14, 2024, Last Modification: June 14, 2024)
Since September 2015, I have been repeatedly trying—both theoretically and practically—to understand what sound art really is; what is sound? What does it do to us? One consideration led to another; between them were real experiments and live performances. There were also long periods of ‘standstill’…. At a sound art concert on June 11, 2024, at Mousonturm in Frankfurt, something clicked in my mind regarding a fundamental question, and suddenly the uniqueness of ‘collective human intelligence’ in confrontation with so-called ‘intelligent machines’ became somehow newly clearer to me.
For the full article, follow this link: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/06/14/humans-and-machines-that-can-generate-sound/
Blind’s World One (1995!)
(Last modified: June 14, 2024)
How can one philosophically conceive of artificial intelligence (AI) interacting with real people, an AI that learns real language with real meaning on its own? Prompted by an offer from Ars Electronica ’95 to introduce a philosophically inspired art project, I spent intense months with an ad hoc software team (the team was wonderful!) designing (and implemented by the software team) the interactive network version of a small artificial world based on philosophical considerations. In this world lived ‘blind Knowbots’ that could communicate with the outside world, using their other sensory experiences and basic bodily states as the basis for assigning meanings to their respective languages. Whatever language the users (mostly children!) used, they could link this language with their real-world experiences. This experiment has shaped me for many years, actually up to today.
(The text was copied from the Ars Electronica ’95 book since the text is no longer accessible)
For the full article, follow this link: https://www.uffmm.org/2024/06/14/blinds-world-one-1995/