eJournal: uffmm.org,
ISSN 2567-6458, 2.February 2019
Email: info@uffmm.org
Author: Gerd Doeben-Henisch
Email: gerd@doeben-henisch.de
An overview to the enhanced AAI theory version 2 you can find here. In this post we talk about the special topic how the actor story (AS) can be used for a modeling of the real world (RW).
In the preceding post you find a rough description how an actor story can be generated challenged by a problem P. Here I shall address the question, how this procedure can be used to model certain aspects of the real world and not some abstract ideas only.
There are two main elements of the actor story which can be related to the real world: (i) The start state of the actor story and the list of possible change expressions.
A start state is a finite set of facts which in turn are — in the case of the mathematical language — constituted by names of objects associated with properties or relations. Primarily the possible meaning of these expressions is located in the cognitive structures of the actors. These cognitive structures are as such not empirical entities and are partially available in a state called consciousness. If some element of meaning is conscious and simultaneously part of the inter-subjective space between different actors in a way that all participating actors can perceive these elements, then these elements are called empirical by everyday experience, if these facts can be decided between the participants of the situation. If there exist further explicit measurement procedures associating an inter-subjective property with inter-subjective measurement data then these elements are called genuine empirical data.
Thus the collection of facts constituting a state of an actor story can be realized as a set of empirical facts, at least in the format of empirical by everyday experience.
While a state represents only static facts, one needs an additional element to be able to model the dynamic aspect of the real world. This is realized by change expressions X.
The general idea of a change is that at least one fact f of an actual state (= NOW), is changed either by complete disappearance or by changing some of its properties or by the creation of a new fact f1. An object called ‘B1’ with the property being ‘red’ — written as ‘RED(B1)’ — perhaps changes its property from being ‘red’ to become ‘blue’ — written as ‘BLUE(B1)’ –. Then the set of facts of the actual state S0= {RED(B1)} will change to a successor state S1={BLUE(B1)}. In this case the old fact ‘RED(B1)’ has been deleted and the new fact ‘BLUE(B1)’ has been created. Another example: the object ‘B1’ has also a ‘weight’ measured in kg which changes too. Then the actual state was S0={RED(B1), WEIGHT(B1,kg,2.4)} and this state changed to the successor state S1= {BLUE(B1), WEIGHT(B1,kg,3.4)}.
The possible cause of a change can be either an object or the ‘whole state‘ representing the world.
The mapping from a given state s into a successor state s’ by subtracting facts f- and joining facts f+ is here called an action: S –> S-(f-) u (f+) or action(s) = s’ = s-(f-) u (f+) with s , s’ in S
Because an action has an actor as a carrier one can write action: S x A –> S-(f-) u (f+) or action_a(s) = s’.
The defining properties of such an action are given in the sets of facts to be deleted — written as ‘d:{f-}’ — and the sets of facts to be created — written ‘c:{f+}’ –.
A full change expression amounts then to the following format: <s,s’, obj-name, action-name, d:{…}, c:{…}>.
But this is not yet the whole story. A change can be deterministic or indeterministic.
The deterministic change is cause by a deterministic actor or by a deterministic world.
The indeterministic change can have several formats:e.g. classical probability or quantum-like probability or the an actor as cause, whose behavior is not completely deterministic.
Additionally there can be interactions between different objects which can cause a change and these changes happen in parallel, simultaneously. Depending from the assumed environment (= world) and some laws describing the behavior of this world it can happen, that different local actions can hinder each other or change the effect of the changes.
Independent of the different kinds of changes it can be required that all used change-expressions should be of that kind that one can state that they are empirical by everyday experience.
And there is even more to tell. A change has in everyday life a duration measured with certain time units generated by a technical device called a clock.
To improve the empirical precision of change expressions one has to add the duration of the change between the actual state s and the final state s’ showing all the deletes (f-) and creates (f+) which are caused by this change-expression. This can only be done if a standard clock is included in the facts represented by the actual time stamp of this clock. Thus with regard to such a standard time one can realize a change with duration (t,t’) exactly in coherence with the standard time. A special case is given when a change-expression describes the effects of its actions in a distributed manner by giving more than one time point (t,t1, …, tn) and associating different deletes and creates with different points of time. Those distributed effects can make an actor story rather complex and difficult to understand by human brains.